Windows Patches Update using Ansible

ansible 6 years, 7 months ago
--- - name : Apply patch for windows 2016 #give host ip address hosts: XXX vars: #give hostfix id which you want to upgrade in hostfix variable hotfix: 'XXXX' tasks: - name: Check ping , only for test pourpose win_ping: - block: - name: Check if {{ hotfix }} hotfix has been applied raw: Get-Hotfix -Id "{{ hotfix }}" -computername XXXX register: hotfix_status failed_when: false changed_when: false - name: show output status debug: var: hotfix_status - block: - win_file: path: "C:\\kbs\\archive" state: directory - win_get_url: #get the url from windows patches update url: "" dest: "C:/kbs/windows10.0-kb4093119-x64_553b6ac77ec6100784cdf1947b3fb83403aa5d1c.msu" force: no - name: unpack the hotfix if needed raw: 'expand -f:* "C:\kbs\windows10.0-kb4093119-x64_553b6ac77ec6100784cdf1947b3fb83403aa5d1c.msu" c:\kbs' - name: use dism to install the cab containing the hotfix raw: 'dism /online /add-package /norestart /PackagePath:"C:/kbs/"' register: dism_output changed_when: "true" failed_when: "dism_output.rc != 0 and dism_output.rc != 3010 and dism_output.rc != 1641" # Block execution when: "hotfix_status.rc == 1"
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