Python Programming Python Code Samples


PYTHON: To download AWS ELB access log files from S3 bucket based on last modified time
Ramya | 4 years, 3 months
import boto3
import datetime
from datetime import datetime,timedelta,date
Before using this script, you need to set up AWS CLI first as below: ubuntu@ip-172-31-46-2:~$ aws
python boto3 s3
Get current environment variables in python
kishore_kumar | 5 years, 10 months
import os
env = os.environ

python python-os
Python Script to create AWS beanstalk
sandeep | 5 years, 11 months
import boto
python aws beanstalk
fetch all documents from mongo db collection using python
kishore_kumar | 5 years, 2 months
import pymongo

client = pymongo.MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017")
pymongo python mongodb
Usage of Operator functions instead of lambda functions
harika | 5 years, 3 months
import functools
import operator
list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
Both lines generates the same result
lambda operator python
Shuffle list elements in python
gaya38 | 5 years, 8 months
import random;
z = [1,90,4,2]
z = random.shuffle(z)
json string to python dictionary using json module
kishore_kumar | 5 years, 5 months
import json

my_str = '{"1": 4, "4": 2, "5":3 }'
python json
How to connect to PostgreSQL database and display list of tables in python
kishore_kumar | 5 years, 2 months
import psycopg2

conn = psycopg2.connect(host="localhost", database="mydb", user="kishore", passwo
python psycopg2 postgresql
Difference between normal def defined function and lambda function in Python
Ramya | 4 years, 10 months
li = [4,65,65,23,86,343,75,3,7,5,87,34,56,64,90] 
final_list = list(filter(lambda x: (x%2 == 0) , l
lambda python
Use map function in python
kishore_kumar | 5 years, 8 months
def get_double(num):
    return num * 2

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