Elk Stack Blog Posts

ELK Stack / Work with ELK Stack from command line

This tutorial gives a basic understanding of elk stack and how to work with elk stack from command line.
ELK Stack is the most popular log Analysis platform where E: Elastic Search, L: Logstash, K: Kibana
Elastic Search: Real time Distributed and Analytics Engine. An Apache Lucene based search engine on rest API's. Implemented in Java. Supports full text search. Completely document oriented instead of tables and schemas. This is mostly used for single page application projects. Query and analyze the structured and as well as unstructured data in any form we want. Helpful to search the logs in json format. Indexing and allowing it to search of logs.
Advantages: Scalablility, Really fast, Multiligual, Document Oriented (JSON), Auto completion and Instant search, Schema free.
Step1: Register the elastic signing in key so that the package is verified after installtion
wget -qO - https://artifacts.elastic.co/GPG-KEY-elasticsearch | sudo apt-key add -

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